Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Berry's Cakes

Bought more cakes...This time from Berry's...
Was craving for cakes since annoyin' sis no longer supply us with her homebaked cakes😜
Here's the Pandan flavor layered cream cake at RM7.60
Texture is fluffy (like sponge cake).
It has a thin layer of cream with crushed nuts on top....Tastewise OK, passable. Best eaten cold.
Also bought a box of choc chip walnut cake at RM14.60
The choc chips are visible on the sides too....
Firm texture, but there is no butter taste in the cake.
Instead it has plenty of choc chips which gave some 'flavor' to the cake...
I like the crunch of walnuts and choc chips....I will be buying this again whenever there's a chance!
*only one left when i bought this


mun said...

Choc chip walnut cake sounds good. I don't like cream so I try not to buy the cakes with cream. Is there a Berry cake shop in Sri Petaling? Used to be one same row with Baskin Robbins, is it still there?

Nux V said...

Mun: yes, it is still there.

Nancy Chan said...

Now I feel like eating butter cake or carrot cake. Chocolate chip walnut cake sounds yummy.

mun said...

Thanks. Will go buy this cake soon.

PH said...

You make me craving for cake lah. My "bakery" also tutup shop long time already LOL!

Rose world said...

Choc chip walnut cake? I want that. Hehe. I have enough of butter cake as bought few times lately. Need to go to bakery and check on new flavour. Lol.

Twilight Man said...

Wow! I have never tried Berry's. Now you have lured me to visit.

Stacy said...

Guess these would do until your sis starts baking again! So cute that you call her 'annoying sis'.

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