Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Someone Next Door Got Engaged...

 Well, it seems like i m some sort of a 'kepochi' neighbour…
Normally i dun 'kepoh' (busy-body) so much on my neighbour unless it is big occasion that requires setting up tents that block up my house gate....
*ain't complaining, i'm indeed happy for them
And since it was a weekend, so no fuss over it...they are welcomed to block my gate for as long as 48 hours before Monday comes (need to go work ma...)
Since i dun get to go out with my car (well, i wasn't intending too), so our good neighbour has invited us to join their happy occasion.
This is a wedding engagement for Malays, hence they have a 'pelamin' decorated with flowers and all sorts of gifts from family and friends.
(Below) The nicely decorated 'pelamin' with colorful arrangement of flower bouquets, candies and chocolates!
Food was prepared by catering services
 It was a simple one - Briyani rice with ayam masak merah, kurma mutton, jelatah (cucumber, onion, carrot salad), some chips, curry puffs and fruits.
 I enjoyed the buffet lunch so much and the host keep on asking us to 'top up' (second/third rounds).
I felt so 'paiseh' coz i dun really know them well, and it is actually the neighbour's sister who got engaged and she dun stay there...hence that is even more awkward....like 'gatecrashing' someone engagement (without knowing who is the one who got engaged).
Anyway, it was a good 'icebreaking' session as now we know our neighbour's name!
2 weeks later....
guess what? since then, our neighbour has been so nice to us and even gave us homecooked 'laksam'.
If you have not heard of this dish, 
'Laksam' is thick flat white rice flour noodles, eaten with rich white gravy of boiled fish and coconut milk.
It was creamy and flavorful! so yummmzzzz!!!


Lotus said...

The briyani looks good, first time I heard of Laksam

Lotus said...

I love the purple lights at the pelamin, making it looks so romantic

mun said...

guess they paiseh for blocking your gate so they invite you all to the wedding lunch. good food though. The laksam looks tasty. The only place that I know selling it is at Belanga, now known as Upeh in Midvalley Mall.

PH said...

.... and you got lots to makan LOL! I have been to a Malay wedding at a kampung and the folks are so warm and friendly. When we were leaving, they tapau a few packets of food for us to take home.

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