Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Sometimes when over-stressed, i would imagined a table full of comfort food...
Imagining/dreaming/wishing is no fun but indulging on the food is more exciting, rite?
On one rare occasion, i went to Pasar Malam (night market) for the sake of getting some comfort foods (as per my wishlist!)...
I dun usually frequent Pasar Malam, but each time when i visited, i'l buy some of the 'signature' foodies...such as waffle, assam laksa, fried radish cake, goreng goreng snacks etc
There it goes...
1. Charcoal bun with taro fillings. 
This bun tasted much better than McD Taro Pie...coz u can bite on the taro chunks...and it fills my hungry stomach.
 2. Peanut butter waffle. 
This sinful savoury gets me drooling...especially when it is hot from the pan.
 3. Veggie dumpling.
I prefer the ones in 'Kao Choi' (Scientific name: Allium tuberosum). The sweet turnip fillings are good too.
 4. Giant currypuff.
with potato cubes and chicken egg beneath the crispy puff wrap. Yummmzz!
5. And lastly, fried radish cake. "Large" portion....super yummzzz!
 feasting with Pasar Malam food left me with a bigger stomach & a broader satisfying smile
and guess what?
All the above foodies cost less than RM14! (less than USD5)
call me a glutton, but i like to taste a lil' of everything, so ended up with a variety of food that is obviously too much for a person. I ended up finishing the food in 2 days.
Bon Appetit!


[SK] said...

wah.. when you are stress, you are indeed very blessed to still be able to think about a whole table of comfort food!! hahahaha.. and look at those kuih, aiyoyo, i like them so much leh!! slurps and hungry after looking at them.. better go sleep now!!!

RealGunners said...

Huh? 2 days? Can keep meh? All oily and fried stuff :/ .
If I go pasar malam, I prefer it to be: what happens in pasar malam stays in pasar malam, or in this case, what is bought in pasar malam goes to the stomach in pasar malam ;)

Nux V said...

SK: my mind tend to sway away when under stress...Sort of auto-take-a-break mode before getting back to the hard reality.

RealGunners: the bun can be kept in room for the oily stuff i put in fridge, reheat the next day. U must be those who eat instantly after buying in pasar malam. But i dislike eating in crowds where alot of people walking by...I prefer to enjoy my food in a quieter place.

Hayley said...

Those food looks good! Usually what I buy from pasar malam is steamed sweet corns, sliced fruits and breads (for next day's breakfast).

mun said...

I like 3. Veggie dumpling! Long time I never go pasar malam d.

Princess Ribbon said...

Wow, all nice food, but my favourite would be the last one, char kueh kak.. That's what I call la.. Some people call it chau lobak koh.. Nice..

Unknown said...

like this only enjoy. very long never have such satisfaction already. going to night market, everything is so cheap, buy and cheap all you want ^^

Nux V said...

Hayley: u r a healthy eater...when i got to pasar malam i only buy junks...

Mun: haha, yea i seldom go pasar malam, but once in a blue moon would be a great experience, especially after work ;-)

Princess Ribbon: i usually called it chau lobak koh ;-)

Irvine Chin: all i want!

Huai Bin said...

I do the exact opposite! :)

Nothing for breakfast (usually), little for lunch and a HUGE meal for dinner. It works for me coz it puts me to sleep right away. Haha.

Which pasar malam did you go to? I'll love to try the charcoal bun with taro...

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