Monday, March 31, 2014

Hailam Kopitiam

Sometime back in the early January, i went to do some banking stuffs and ended up having a late lunch. Most of the nearby coffeeshop is almost closing, hence i decided to head to the air-conditioned franchised "Kopitiams" to get a quick lunch. "Old Town" and "Papparich" are out of my choice since i hav tried most of their food, hence the only available option would be Hailam.
 since it wasn't peak hour, the place was almost empty with only a few tables occupied. Service was quick but the food still took long to be served.
here's my fried flat noodle aka "Char Kuey Teow".
the portion was huge, but the quality is under my expectation.
flat noodle is not the usual fine & thinly sliced "kuey teow" type, but it is more towards the broader "chee cheong fun" type. 
Prawns aren't fresh and looks skinny, far cry from Penang char kuey teow version.
 even the cockles are smallest size i have ever seen.
Will i come again? 
i doubt not.

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