Friday, January 9, 2009

1st post in Year 2009

Alrite, tis is my first official post in year 2009. Very much delayed due to a brief M.I.A.
And as usual im gonna get some pictures here...But what's wif the cutleries?
Sorry guys, no food tis time...wuakakaka....Taking food pics is still my passion but tis time im gonna switch a lil' towards the utensils...Well, sis got tis simple yet meaningful gifts from church some time ago...each of it carried a those words printed on the card. Yea, i m malnutrished...if u r running out of $ to buy good pressies, why not considering giving out ur used cutleries...wuakakaka!

shitzzz...there r things pilling up for me to catch up yet i m still happily bloging over here...darn!

gtg, yea MIA again...will b back again...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nicely wrapped! :) can make good gift !

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