Sunday, July 13, 2008

We Need a Re-branding!

Petrol prices increase...
Electricity tariff increase...
Foods and goods prices increase...
but my salary never increase!

These are the lines i heard from a radio commercial...with some lines added by me ;-)
True eh?
Hard reality - inflation is inevitable

And that was worsen by the soaring oil prices...
Reading from 'Malaysian Reserve' (local biz paper), inflation is not only affecting our country but also in US and globally...sad case!

Picking a few lines from a famous blogger:
"what really strike Malaysians these days is the failure to improve our earning-capability since the 1997 economic crisis. With exceptions of a few professions, the salary and income levels of most jobs are not on par with inflation rate for the past decade… some sectors are actually falling behind the pre-1997 era"

Again, very true! But what can we do? The blogger also pin-point us to 're-brand' ourself rather than being labelled as cheap and resourceful place for foreign investor. Well, I guess I m one of the cheap skilled worker in a foreign company. I'm giving a deep tot over the word 're-branding'...What can v do to achieve this?
Before the economic turmoil, petrol was at $1.10/litre, chicken rice at $2.50, my fav large size big mac set at $5.80, ice-cream sundae at $0.50, cinema costs lesser than $6.00 etc etc. Sending kids abroad for studies is very norm. Even having a live-in foreign maid is common during those days. ---> these are the things i could observed as a naive student back then!

Nowadays as compared to a decade ago: Petrol increases to over 100%, properties - more than 150%....foods, rice/flour/sugar and goods - about 30% ++.....and sad to say, the income rate for a fresh grad (or any other skilled worker) is still the same.
Anyway, i m grateful that our situation is still under control, unlike Zimbabwe, whereby their inflation rate has skyrocketed to over 100,000,000% (can't remember how many zero's)...But their currency has no longer carry any value...
Before our country turn into such fate, I guess we seriously needs to re-brand...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We Malaysians have been trained to work more for least pay.

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...