Sunday, July 6, 2008

Time to get you HUNGRY again!

Sis bought some egg tarts and pork buns on her way home...
the pork bun is so-so...meanwhile the egg tart....
haven't try yet!

but the packaging looks fine...Nowadays, packaging does matter ;-)

Apart from old chang kee currypuffs, I'd crave for egg tarts (or portuguese egg tarts) for breakfast...

Sometimes i prefer nasi lemak...

Sometimes roti canai with thick curry gravy...

Wantan mee, soya bean, tau-foo-fa (beancurd pudding)....

Hungry now?


Katherine said...

Pork buns!!!

I love Old Chang Kee too! The pies, the pies!!! :)

C said...

Where do u normally buy portuguese egg tart? said...

share some!

Anonymous said...

Darn, now you've made me hungry again! :D

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