Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Christmas Eve Lunch...

Was working on the eve, hence no Christmas eve party...
It was just some sort of working lunch on a normal weekday.
I had stewed pork & egg with some Chinese cabbage.
only RM6.50 for this meal!
 The place is not some fancy restaurant, but they put up effort in decorating the place, as such...
Back in the office, i dun usually 'decorate' my work desk even during the festive season…
The only 'decorations' I hav are snacks from various secret Santa
Thanks to all the secret Santa out there for these wonderful gifts!


Rose world said...

I like that kind of lunch. On the eve my man bought Kenny Rogers set for dinner. A little celebration. :)

Nancy Chan said...

I love stewed pork and egg. I must try to cook this dish one day. Happy snacking thanks to your secret Santas. Lol!

mun said...

wah, your lunch is so nice for such a low price. I find the shop's decor kinda creepy with the figurine holding an umbrella. I was working on xmas eve too.

Lotus said...

The stewed pork and egg looks good and appetizing.

Montoya Jazhel said...
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