Friday, May 13, 2016

My Friday Nite Dinner @ Office

This is how my dinner looks like on a Friday nite. Was rushing on some tasks over the past weeks and dinner was nonetheless instant noodles.
Here's one Mamee premium curry laksa flavour with 2 small pieces of fried chicken 'donated' from my colleague's plate. She was eating with me with her rice and dishes (bought in the afternoon). The pear and half cup of Coke Zero was courtesy from the pantry...My colleague shared the Coke with me as she can't take too much sugared drinks.
 On another day, I brought the leftover KFC to office as I know I will work till late. I turned the pantry into KFC as the entire room smells so good the moment I took out that piece of chicken from the microwave! And again, the orange was from the pantry...
Bon Appetit!


mun said...

You cooked the instant noodled in your pantry yourself? Wouldn't it save more time for you order pizza or fast food delivery instead of cooking?

Nux V said...

Mun:'s so convenient coz we have all the cooking equipment and it only took me 5 minutes to get this prepared. Ordering and wait for the pizza delivery will take at least 30min...

CL (RealGunners) said...

Instant noodles, saving Malaysian white collar workers' lives since 7PM...

Twilight Man said...

I have a funny taste to enjoy curry cup noodles very much whenever I was flying Air Asia overseas.

I am also a great fan of Zero Coke these days and have a dozen cans at home anytime.

Nux V said...

RealGunners: isit? I tot is oatmeal, bread, sandwich? hehehe!

Twilight Man: I prefer Air Asia Nasi Lemak than cup noodles.

Huai Bin said...

I always eat instant noodles with eggs only. I have bought a few exotic meat from Japan in cans though (bear, seal, etc) and it tastes quite good with noodles too. Haven't had fried chicken for a long time though, but it goes well with your soup noodles. Unfortunately I usually eat dry ones like Indomie or Mee Sedap so fried would be too oily.

Nux V said...

Huai Bin: I rotate between having my noodles either in soup or dry version. And I prefer lotsa garnishing.

Lotus said...

It seems that you stay late in office quite often

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