Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Old Town myDulang

Went to Old Town restaurant to try out their myDulang, this isn't my first time having a 'dulang' meal, my first was back in 2013 during the Raya fasting period.
'Dulang' is supposed to refer as tray, but in malay terms, dulang is sort of basket tray.
 The "2013 version" of myDulang has lotsa varieties, yea, u eat till vomit and dun feel like wanna take anymore satay, lekor, ais kacang for the next few months!
Anyhow, all I wanna say is that, this year the portion has shrunk and the variety is lesser so that it could accommodate the small eaters....but too bad, they took out the ais kacang! 
instead of serving some 'Selasih' syrup drinks, it has been replaced with soft drinks...yucks! 
 the food is almost the same, minus the satays....
Where is satay??!!
'Raya' isn't 'Raya' without satays :-(
Is like taking out the 'main character' and leaving the 'extra's running the show. Darn!
 anyway, this 'dulang' meal comes in 3 selections - Ayam Masak Merah, Ayam Rendang and Ayam Percik.
Sorry guys, is hard to describe all these ayam's over here, u gotta googled it urself and lick it  taste it to see the differences.
Surprisingly the Ayam Percik is slightly expensive than the two. I ordered Ayam Rendang (above) and sis ordered Ayam Masak Merah (below).
My Verdict: nothing special, I can get better chicken dishes in some 'warung' out there. 
In case u r wondering how the malls would look like during this 'Raya' festive season, there it goes...
 most malls has setup a mini 'kampung'...
this is taken at IOI city mall.
 they even hav Malay dance performances as early as the first week of Ramadan...
Well, great effort in bringing the 'kampung' to the city folks!


Princess Ribbon said...

Never tried the dulang before, but I can see lekor.. My favourite is buying from the stalls the crunchy ones, yummzzz..

RealGunners said...

Strange, now that you mentioned, I don't think I have seen any Raya decorations in the malls in Penang even now!

I am getting quite disappointed with OldTown now. I have been patient with them for quite long, when most people already lost patience. But recently their food portion and quality seems like really going downhill. :(

Twilight Man said...

RG - I thought the OldTown has improved with better menu now. I think the services would vary from each place. The ones near my home is excellent.

Huai Bin said...

I haven't been to Old Town in a while but if you love this kind of food, you'll like the stuff they have in Ole Ole Bali.

Yup, they have sate lilit to go with the meal. :D

mun said...

I ate myDulang meal for the past two years. This year I think I am going to give it a miss though you really tempt me to eat it again with your post. :)

Nux V said...

Princess Ribbon: i like both the crunchy and the chewable long as they are lekor...and dip with chilli sauce....syiok!

RealGunners: Old Town portion is always that little, however there should be exception to myDulang as it is meant to be huge...but somehow it is shrinking year by year.

Twilight Man: actually the services & menu is OK, jst that this myDulang isn't a good one though...

Huai Bin: yeapzz I've been to Ole Ole Bali before...and gosh, a variety of dishes in their nasi campur Bali...

Mun: my post is so tempting meh? i thought my negative review will turn people off...

mun said...

Cos your post reminded me that I did not eat it this year.

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