Thursday, February 5, 2015

Last Christmas & the Coming CNY Decorations @ Office

I still missed December despite entering new year 2015 for a month plus now!
Coz that was the time where things got slowed down and wee bit laid back in the office!
yea, probably bcoz everyone was clearing leaves and no one seems to care about working nor meeting deadlines...LOL!
The atmosphere is like partying and merry mood...i even have the mood to munch on my fav kiddie snacks such as Nini sticks!
So stress-free hor?!
Just like how u get to see from the office dept entrance...
 full of Christmassy mood & the office is so homely with those teddies around!
blinking lights from the Xmas tree, and small gift boxes underneath the tree...i like it!
fast forward 1.5 months later....
the same entrance door but different 'feel'
 this time the reddish decor..
In case if u r wondering who did all these...well, that's definitely NOT me, of course...
That door doesn't even lead to my department...Mine is situated next door!


mun said...

Nice decor! No decors in my office yet. Please remember to show us hari raya and deepavali decor too when their time comes. Thanks!

Princess Ribbon said...

Same here, I like December.. First, maybe it's becoz of the bonus thingy, hehe.. Then, like you said, everyone was bz clearing leaves, still school holiday, roads no jam, not much work in the office.. Yeah, I love Nini too, especially the strawberry and milk one..

[SK] said...

yeah, December is always a sweet month and I think until after CNY, everything is still picking up.. BTW, I like the Christmas deco in your office more than the CNY deco.. same person doing that??

RealGunners said...

My office not much decor usually except for the cafeteria, on December they were blasting Christmas songs, now they are blasting CNY songs on full whack. It's nice once in awhile but I'm finding it annoying now :/

Small Kucing said...

Nice deco many pressie....ahem ...what about ypur office?

Hayley said...

Last time at my working place, Xmas/CNY also no feel one, haha xD

Yours looks very happening!

Nux V said...

Mun: hehe thanks! (*though is not my effort)

Princess Ribbon: my fav nini is with peanut butter.

SK: they are still touching on the CNY decor, so in the next few days will have a more complete ones ;-)

RealGunners: i enjoy Christmas tune but loud CNY songs is annoying to me...Once in a while is OK, but not when i need some peace...

Small Kucing: my office very dull one, 365 days look the same.

Hayley: same department is dull...The ones on display here is next door ;-)

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...