Friday, October 11, 2013

Last Raya (Eid Celebration)

Raya (Eid celebration) may have long gone...but i m still in the mood...well, at least to post up some pics that i took during that festive week. The below is the decoration at The Gardens Mall, simple yet elegant with "Batik" prints and colorful butterfly!
and i had a hearty "Malay festive" meal at "Old Town Kopitiam"outlet coz they have some Raya promotion, and coincidently we have a few vouchers to spend during then. 
 we used up all our vouchers and splurged on this "mega" meal, which consists of individual main meal in a large "dulang" (tray), a dessert and drinks for each set.
WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get!)
eventually they did not dissappoint us with those nicely photoshoped pictures...indeed we got exactly as per advertised in the poster!
 a large basket tray with rice (nasi Kuning), cucumber, long bean, chili paste water convolvulus (sambal kangkung), rendang chicken, chicken satay, shredded omelette, fish lekor...
i ended up too full with all these foodies on the tray...
plus, there is also a bowl of ice kacang at the end of the meal!
 so all-in-all i had a seven-dish meal plus very high sugar drink and dessert! over-calorie!
well, that is a REAL HEARTY FESTIVE meal i had during the last Raya.

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