Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funktioniert nicht

Came back to work after a pathetic one day leave. Felt surprised for being noticed after a day of absence.

I was late tis morning (by office hour standard). It was 8:20 when i walked past my boss and he happily greeted me – ‘Good Morning!’. Opsss! Caught.

And i replied: harlo...(hiding my embarassment)

Then, a colleague walks in. I just did my usual glance...being a shy person i dun usually greet ppl. Then surprisingly she said ‘welcome back!’

And so i replied: hi...(but my head still spinning with arrrh? coz i was still in sleepy mode and can’t think of a proper word to reply this)

One my way to the loo, walk past another colleague, smiled at her and she greeted me with ‘Good morning’. Rare one coz i dun expect her to greet me at all.

And my replied: ...... (speechless)

With all the wrong kind of response that i had, I conclude 100% tht my brain can’t function well in the morning.

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