Thursday, May 21, 2009

Feasting time...but not with nudles!

Been having a busy week running own errands and chauffeuring people to do theirs as well. I will go broke by end of tis month due to $$ spent on renewing car insurance, passport and my about to expire driving licence on next month. Not to forget, tis is the month of Mother’s Day celebration which coincides with my mum’s birthday month. There were feasts after another as to celebrate mum’s retirement age…pics will b uploaded later once I got them frm sis.
Good thing is tht I m gonna go debt free starting next month cuz I finally settled my car loan! Woo-hoo!!!
And as usual, weekends were usually spent on house cleaning, hence no one will cook on that day. Eat out is often, but recently the weather was super hot & dry, not to mention the heat that will burn your skin, I opted for a lazier choice, that is to cook instant nudle!
Here is it…my super delicious Maggie mee prepared with lotsa luv…using my method…
Got method summore eh???
the nudles were boiled first as to rinse off the wax (the substance that made them stick together) while the soup will be boiled separately. See that?…so much care and luv being put while preparing it…cuz we luv our heart!

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