Friday, December 5, 2008

Chocolate Box

Another 10 cent drop in local price for RON97. Great. Not too amused with the news but better still compared to 1.92!
I’m living life as usual, and been seriously chasing over $%^&*…yeap, I mean the ‘first character’. Life is indeed a box of chocolates, u’l never noe wut u’l get. And I thank God for givin’ me a 2nd chance to pursue my dream(?) Yea, still a question mark…coz im still uncertain if I m able to make that ‘dream’ come true. I manage to do something tht I wanting (to do so much) and I finally get it. Been crazy over my job these days…Sort of a marathon these days, coz I m catching up with things I hav missed out compared to my peers who hav attended their 3 months training! Well, the trainer has been goin’ super fast, and I’m baffled by her skills! Wish to hav 50% of her knowledge…life would b a bliss then! *slap forehead

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