Sunday, November 18, 2007

Wut?!! Are You Sure???

cash advance

wuahahaha...tis site is kidding me...I can't believe tis!!!

10 comments: said...

First time here
But I guess I won't belong to the group of genius :P

3POINT8 said... reading level is college undergrad..
I did a search on google and yahoo too! Check it out for a surprising result!
I can't imagine how google got a genius level when their main site has no articles or whatsoever while yahoo's level is junior high school where its loaded with info

Nux V said...

yenjai: i guess i dun belong to tht group too...anyway, the test is jst for fun ;P dun take it seriously...

3point8: LOL! dunno wut sort of criteria they used to measure the reading level. From ur search results, i guess the genius are mainly attached to sites with less words and more pictures, at the meantime able to maintain huge group of visitors...wuakakakak...(*ok, jst kidding, m not trying to be ego).

baggie said...

........... wukakakak x is gonna say how aunty ur blog is now... LOL...

anyways, ure a teacher ah?

xniquet said...

my one says MACHO

hey hey hey hey

macho macho man

i gonna be a macho man

macho macho man

i got to be a macho man

keeyit said...

I dun think I belong to that group too... hehehe..

Eileen said...

I dun wanna tell u mine... very depressing. Wukakaka...


wahhhhh1 Nux v so cleber!!!!! keep it up!!!

jam said...

Mine one is junior high level...

Nux V said...

Calvin's Wife: aunty? y? anyway, i'm not a i sound like one?

X: eh, u okey ar?

keeyit: ;P no comment

Princess Eileen: ok, i go check out on ur site...wuakakakaka

Aron Wong: huh? i'l take it as compliment, TQ!

Jam: hmnn...junior high...must b very interesting then ;P brings back lotsa childhood memories

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