Monday, November 12, 2007

Stuffs that you will not want to eat…

Ok, I m not featuring any disgusting food over here…so, sit back and relax!
Introducing....err…I dunno wut shall I call it…
A simulation of nasi lemak but, without anchovies, nuts and boiled egg….
Instead, it has boiled edamame (a type of beans, not peas!). It’s so ‘green’ and ‘vegetarian’.
The preparation is simple, and doesn’t cost much. Well, with the increase of price in consumer goods and food items, I can only have this at home during weekends…LOL…
Dull? Not for this, coz it tastes….good, and healthy! Feels like eating some sort of ulam…

Below are the ingredients
Cucumber, doesn't cost much, around 19cents/100g

Sambal belacan, home-cooked or bottled ones...

And finally, Edamame beans. This sort of beans are available at all Jusco stores.

*tis meal is unsuitable for carnivorous-style eater


xniquet said...

I can eat that nasi lemak ...gimme samabal and nasi and timun cukup liao
tak payah ikan bilis also can ....

curryegg said...

I like the sambal just like X..
somehow.... if add a bit of ikan bilis goreng and telur rebus will be even better.. Lol..

Is this the vegetarian nasi lemak?
The sambal too?

keeyit said...

i seldom have Edamame beans.. hehe.. Indeed, healthy food.. said...

You said it well.
Not suitable for me ^-^

Boon said...

the sambal has to be nice only nice to eat ler..i like the sweet and spicy type :D

baggie said...

waaah edamame is petai ah??? I loooooooooove them alot alot...

Nux V said...

x: hehe...u sure kah? great cooks like u wouldn't be so bad taste...kihkihkih...

curryegg: hmnn yea...i want to add some curry and egg too!

keeyit: i use to hav lotsa them! bought a packet of 1kg...and boiled them for snacks...yummy!

yenjai: so, u r a carnivor?

boon: yeapz...the most important thing is sambal..if it dun taste good, the rest of the flavors also dun blend..

calvin's wife: nope, edamame is not petai...LOL..Hmnn, u reminds me of sambal petai...

3POINT8 said...

WoW! Looks like a very healthy meal! Vegan some more!!!
the bean doesn't look very appetizing.. It look like those beans which make people fart all day long..

Eileen said...

sambal petai.... I like... but how good is the sambal matters a lot

amei79 said...

Looked simple, but seem is healthy diet...with sambal it should be good tasting, yummi yummi, quite sometime not have a nasi lemak liao!

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