Saturday, October 13, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all the Muslims

Unlike previous years, i dun go to any minister's open house on this year. Still on-duty for this whole week...sigh..sigh.....Anyway, quite happy coz my 'good neighbor' gave us a box of egg tarts! I'm wondering if this is raya tarts or wut??!!! coz they are not celebrating this festival as well.

Me and my family didn't go anywhere on this very special day...though my mind is tinking with so much ideas of goin to this-and-that open houses. But it would be troublesome in case there are calls for me (on duty ler!)...i will be searching frantically for a wifi spot, perhaps a serene place to do my work, and of course sufficient power supply in case my laptop's battery runs dry.

Sis had tot of one good idea IF we are to visit the istana (palace). In case i really i got some calls, jst borrow their power supply la...

I hav been imagining someting like tis:

Me : Ampun tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, boleh patik pinjam letrik???
King (YDPA) : ?????
Me : Patik tengah kerja hari ini, takde power supply...
King (YDPA) : boleh! boleh! beta sungguh bertuah kerana ada rakyat jelata yang begitu rajin!

Anyway, sis had bought our fav Nini coklat (long time fav since kid!) to be enjoyed while watching some raya shows later.....(Ok, it isn't chocolates, we prefer the peanut butter flavor...)

till then, HAPPY RAYA to all the MUSLIMs!


xniquet said...

I want DENGDANG, NINI no toy inside one ....:P

3POINT8 said...

"Ampun tuanku beribu-ribu ampun, boleh patik pinjam letrik"
Whoa, i never knew bahasa istana is still in use today!

Nux V said...

x: DENGDANG got wut toy now? long time nvr buy liao..

3point8: i hav nvr communicate with a royal before...jst assuming tht these language are stil in use oni;P

xniquet said...

fake rubber Sai ...:P, faster go and collect :P

Eileen said...

Haha... brings me a lot of memories too... NINI... wakaka.... X, you are so.....

curryegg said...

Selamat Hari Raya to you too.. ;)
Thank for visiting my blog. You've a nice blog too.
Hope that we can keep in touch..


Nux V said...

x: fake rubber sai? sorry not interested!

Princess: let me continue the last sentence...'DISGUSTING'! wuahahahaha.........

curryegg: hi curryegg, yeapz...sure, will add u in my blogroll soon ;P

Boon said...

ARHH!! NiNI!!! long time no eat already!! :D:D

Nux V said...

boon: me TOO!!!! but well, it is no longer the same taste anymore...

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