Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I'm B.A.C.K!

Hav been abit 'quiet' & inactive over the past few days
and if u r wondering why....
there it goes
I was away over the weekend to this wonderful place...
being a committee for the company trip wasn't easy...thank God all went well...
stay tuned for more photos/blog posts on the trip :-)


CL (RealGunners) said...

Wei... I don't recognize this wonderful place... Am I too jakun? Wait for your coming posts...

Twilight Man said...

Welcome B.A.C.K! I stared at the photo for so long and gave up guessing it.

mun said...

I am with the above two. I also cannot recognize the place in your photo. Welcome back! Can't wait for your next post.

Nux V said...

RealGunners: lol! u r so jakun!!!

Twilight Man: I tink this place is so 'new' to us...haha!

Mun: really?? shouldn't be...this place is so near to M'sia...the flight duration is much shorter than KL - KK.

Business as usual around the neighbourhood

After CNY over, things got back to more fireworks and firecrackers (phew...finally!) and no more sale rush...The neighborhood m...