Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Left-over Party Foods

I m good in clearing left-over foods...yea, am dubbed as the "in-house DBKL" for sweeping clean the fridge from any leftovers.
Why not?
coz the food is so irresistible like the below bento set...
ok, the taste might run off abit coz the fritters has became soggy and the yakitori stick is not as fresh anymore....
Meanwhile the below is a post Christmas-day lunchie, with leftover from the previous day. I blanched some green veggies and cut some onions to go with the leftover satay, nasi impit and roasted chicken...
Voila! there goes the lunch for two!
BoN ApPeTit!


mun said...

Good that you don't let edible food go to waste. Leftover food as long as is edible, I will eat them too.

Princess Ribbon said...

Same here, why not? If they are still edible, why waste? I always use apa yang ada jugak.. Sometimes just fried rice with egg and ikan bilis only, if there's no meat or vegetables.. No problem..

RealGunners said...

Can eat then just wallop lah. That's what eating at home is all about anyway ;) .

Nux V said...

Mun: yea, don't waste food ;-)

Princess Ribbon: ur fried rice real simple, anything can go well with fried rice, rite?

RealGunners: u r not those kinda fussy eater, unlike my sis, she doesn't eat leftovers.

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