Thursday, January 23, 2014

I am a Proud Owner of....

Well, 2014 started with a newsbreak of me being a proud owner of a 950sqft apartment in OUG (Overseas Union Garden).
Not a lavish type of apartment but it suits my needs and (hopefully) my dream home of having a KLCC view yet freehold place to stay.
My unit will be on 27th floor, though I wish it could be lower, but to enjoy a great view of KL skyline, it is recommended to get a unit above 25th!
I'm glad with a property, but that would also land me into debt...with the bank, of course!
From now onwards, I have to be spend thrift in my expenses to repay my loan in 8 consecutive years!

1 comment:

mun said...

You sold this condo? Last time you replied to comments and said you are keeping it as a weekend condo.

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