Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fraser Suite, River Valley, Singapore - Part 1

Am currently staying @ this wonderful place rite beside SG river,
the company rent us a service apartment for our one-week biz trip.
Right after checking into our room, i glanced thru the balcony of 16th floor and was amazed by the skyline.
Looking left, u'll see this 
 Lookin' down, u saw a pool, breathtaking!
 Looking right, more buildings
 boss was so kind to offer me this master bedroom, while he only took the smaller unit...
 the 'thick-skin' me accepted with joy and started snappin' away!
 and i really luv tis LCD tv in my room, plus 6 comfy pillows on the bed!
i only got one head, but with so mch pillows?!!
 the snacks on the dining table to welcome us...stil left untouch til now.
 this gave me an impression on how i should decorate my future apartment.
and i m tinking of having a marble table in the dining hall
 perhaps some chinaware to decorate the siteway
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