Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Layout

After rounding the entire world…wide web…for a suitable layout, I finally switch back to blogger classic template.
Yeapz, back to basic…and with a touch of colorful header!

The decision of reverting back to blogger layout has been long in mind as the previous template was impractical due to long loading time, which took more than a minute to load a page!
Besides, the previous grayish template with an iconic lady (that doesn’t represent me) is so outdated, that I decided to strip them down…wuahaha!
I m still in the midst of changing a lil of here and there, hopefully I could get a perfect appearance for my blog, mayb another non-blogger customize template? I dun hav any in hand at the moment. Any good recommendation?

At the meantime, I’m working hard in putting up background wallpaper at the outer main body, which is yet to work out despite a few attempts of editing the codes. Please be patient while this blog is still

Thank you and have a nice day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Pretty Boy

Went to a wedding dinner on last Saturday. It has been long since I last had thick shark fin soup with plenty of fins, and hearty meal of fresh tiger prawns, grouper fish, suckling pig, vegetarian meal etc…and that was the best I had over the years…is it bcoz I seldom hav it? The previous ones I had were nonetheless lousy!
The ambience was great, at least the interior was well decorated similar to any lavish wedding banquet in hotel, despite being a tiny one-storey Chinese restaurant situated along Starhill road.
But what caught my attention was tis ‘pretty’ boy, which happened to be the bride’s younger bro…*started b**chin. I called tis ‘pretty’ boy coz at first glance he looks like a she (I mean a beautiful ‘she’) with a pony tail tied at back and some left dangling covering part of his face…looking very dramatic, like those heroic character in Japanese manga. He sure a good looking guy, somewhat resembling Nicholas Tse, and no doubt mum said he is cute too! *disbelief!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


A conversation between Nux and R somewhere in 2003

R: I’m goin bck Penang tis weekend, wanna tag along?
Nux: tht’s a great idea, but I’v been to that place before…
R: raised eyebrow Oh really? When was tht?
Nux: some 10 years ago…
R: how bout the nearby areas, Langkawi, Perlis…
Nux: yeapz, been there too.

Nux: 11-12 years ago…

R: ah…I see, any other places that u’ve yet to visit?
Nux: well, I’ve been to all the states in Peninsular, but there were all for quite some time ago.
R: like a decade ago?
Nux: nodding hard exactly.
R: didn’t u go anywhere in the past few years?
Nux: *a moment of silence looking very very confused, thinking deep for long

By then, R started suspecting Nux of having lost memories that span for a decade.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Summer Wind

My ear has been tortured with the same songs playing over & over again @ the local radio. I need a dosage of therapeudic song as to 'erase' those sound that lingers in my head.
Nothing is much better than this popular oldie - Michael Buble's version...
Can't get enuff of him & stil waiting patiently for his next album ;-P
btw, m not putting the song over here, go googled it urself...wuakakaka!

Please spread this...

Another circulated email...Please be alert when u r driving...

On Thur 5 Feb, I was driving home after work in the afternoon. quite a number of cars on the road. I was driving near the UE3, Taman Miharja, Cheras when 2 Indian guys on a motorbike honked me and pointed to the passenger-side wheel. I slowed down, not stopping but they kept honking and pointing to the wheel. Finally, I stopped at the side of the road in front of the UE3 complex. The 2 guys stopped and came down from their bike. One has the "BMW" name and logo on his blue shirt. While the other guy squatted in fron of the passenger-side wheel (I cant see him), the "BMW" guy came to the passenger side. My car is always locked when I drive and I lowered the passenger side window about 2 inch to talk with him. Speaking in Malay, he told me my wheel has smoke and oil. I hesitated evaluating the situation, and he then bend down at the wheel and came up showing me his finger with some oil on it. He said my brake oil is leaking and cannot drive and ask me to go down out to see the wheel. Pointing to Taman Pertama which is just nearby, I told him I stay there and will go to my mechanic there for check-up. He kept insisting I dont drive as my brakes are not working and can get an accident. He kept asking me to go down and look at the wheel. I said no and I drove off. Giving this "Good Samaritan" the benefit of the doubt, I drove home very slowly in case I really cannot brake the car. 10 min later I arrived at my mechanic shop which is quite near to my house. I ask the mechanic if there is any oil in the wheel, he touched it and said yes and possible brake oil is leaking. He took it into the workshop and took out the wheel. Lo and behold, there was no leak, all dry. There was some oil at the brake pd and at the back of the tyre. He took out the driver-side tyre and it was dry too. He told me the only possible answer was that someone must have poured oil into my wheel. He washed the tyres and cleaned up the oil and then I went off.
I didnt tell the mechanic what had happened earlier but putting 2 and 2 together, I think I know what happened.
The 2 Indian guys stopped me. While one was talking with me, the other guy squatting at the wheel must have poured some oil into my wheel, making me think my car's brake oil was leaking and in panic, I might go down and check (that's why he kept asking me to go down and see).. If I go out of the car to see, the following things can happen:-

1. one guy will drive off with my car (hoping in panic I'll leave the car keys in the car) while the other will ride off in his motorbike.

2. they will threaten and rob me (with or without injury)

3. they will say they can repair my car very fast with no hassle and charge me a bomb.

Looking at the crime situation in KL these days, I think either one of the first 2 possibilities will happen. Thank God, I was alert and didnt panic.

So for you drivers in KL, please be careful and be alert at all times while driving. Dont be so gullible and take all "Good Samaritan" word as true. If it happens drive to the nearest police station or mechanic workshop. The worst thing that can happen is to buy 2 brand new tyres (if tyres are kaput) or pay to repair for the damage done to the car. Cheaper than your life or your car.
So drive carefully. Cheers.

Carlton City Hotel Breakfast

[ Throwback, Dec 2024 ] It was Saturday and before checking-out, I went for my extravagant brunch. well, why not? it was already paid by the...