Tuesday, June 30, 2020


It is durian season and we bought some to enjoy.
RM18 for a D24 pack
 fleshy and creamy (this picture doesn't do its justice)….
 this was bought in NSK.....
On another note, we have also replenished our peanuts supply from the wholesale snack shop in NSK. Bought 1kg of peanuts for RM16.80. These peanuts are as good as those served in MAS airline (in small packets form). Fresh & crunchy coz this is packed in an air-tight plastic packaging.
 A few days after we had D24, mum bought more durians which are delivered fresh from Pahang....
RM108 for 2 boxes below.
 Musang King @ RM53/kg.
Yellowish flesh, sweeter and creamier than D24
 and XO durian @ RM33/kg.
XO durian has a bittersweet taste, yet as creamy as the Musang King and D24
Feeling full and contented after eating these. Our durian cravings are satisfied!
Do u eat durians?

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Pho Street @ IOI Mall Puchong

 Went for a jalan-jalan at IOI Mall Puchong after a car service. It was 1pm by the time my car was done servicing. Hungry (and only thought of food), I headed to the nearby mall....
Flipped the menu....to look see what's in store
A variety of Vietnamese noodles (pho)
 rice vermicelli and banh mi
 street snacks
 and rice set too....everyting looks nice in the pictures!
 The shop interior is nice too....bright and plenty of space for social distancing....
It was a weekday, hence not many people
while waiting for my food to arrive....I tried out the sauces...
The chili flakes in oil are superbly nice...
meanwhile bird eye chili is extremely spicy...not recommended....if u can't take spicy.
 I had beef slices pho. Taste good with tender meat....The soup is flavourful too.
the Vietnamese spring roll...with peanut sauce...
 refreshing and filling! Instead of dipping it in the sweet peanut sauce, I added lotsa chili flakes on it for extra kick....yummmzzz!!!
total damage for this lunch:
This was my second dine out since MCO or my first in RMCO.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

50% off items - Cheapo Dinner

Nowadays the AEON Big operation hours still remain from 8am till 8pm.
Slightly before closing time, most of the cooked food items are selling at a promotional price, up to 50% discount.
Being a cheapo, we bought some rice sets and chicken to try.
The nasi lemak bento set is only RM3.50 each.
The small box of sambal chicken (on top left) is only RM2 (after discounted).
Please omit the burgers coz they were from a roadside stall (not AEON Big).
Those are Ramly burgers and is cooked/prepared upon order. The burger biasa (normal burger without special toppings) costs RM4 each and you can choose either chicken or beef patty.
here's my dinner box - Nasi lemak with chicken rendang. Do not expect mch from it since it was at discounted price. Tastewise so-so, chicken, sambal & the rice still taste ok, though just ordinary.
These 'eat-at-your-own-risk' items are fine with me once in a while, but we decided not to buy anymore coz the dishes are cold.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Roasted Duck

Annoying sis sent this pic to us to 'show off' her dinner....Nope, she did not roast the duck. It was bought from a roadside stall/van. Half portion for RM29. She prepared steamed egg and veggie soup to go with the roasted duck for a wholesome meal.
 Since me & mum were so eager to try, she bought half duck for us on Sunday, this time at a cheaper price coz she bought whole duck and requested to pack half separately, where the other half goes to her in-laws. It was selling at RM55 for whole duck (or RM27.5 for half portion)
There goes our dinner....with veggie soup, cucumbers and steamed egg. The sauces are provided with the roasted duck: sweet sauce, chili sauce and a salty herbal gravy for dipping.
 The roasted duck are quite ordinary. But it is tender and the skin is less oily/fatty

Monday, June 22, 2020

Went Grocery Shopping & Hair Cut

Went for grocery shopping on Sunday and was surprised to see that not much people in the supermarket.
No queue to get in and no queue when paying....
So I assume that Sunday evening (around 5pm) is the best time to do the grocery shopping....
My favorite bittergourds…
Veggies section
Empty aisle with plenty of space for social distancing
Fruits section. Bought some lemons at 80cents each.
Meanwhile I also did my haircut at a neighbourhood saloon (finally!)…..Now my head feel lighter and my hair is much easier to comb ☺
Back to the office today and sat at my own place....YAY! can u see my aheemmmmm….personal aircond? ***evil grin

Friday, June 19, 2020

Zinger Burger

Busy days ahead as office has 'officially' reopened and staffs are now working on alternate days in the office.
The CEO is so eager to kick start a few projects hence we were so occupied with lotsa tasks and meetings lately.
I was so exhausted from 'back-to-back' meeting on yesterday till have no mood for lunch.
My Outlook Calendar goes as such:
9:45am - Short 15 min meeting
10:45am - Short 20 min meeting
2pm - One hour meeting
3pm - One hour meeting
5pm - One hour meeting
after then, I cannot focus on work....so unproductive!
Anyway, the office canteen is not open, hence most of us would usually go tapao or order food delivery. This was my lunch on Tuesday @ office:
I reheated the Zinger burger which I bought the day before (Monday night).
Ala carte burger now costs: RM10.40 nett.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Just some updates...

Am currently back in the office for good...well it's only for Monday & Tuesday. The rest of it will be WFH.
Meanwhile let's see what I had for lunch in the office....
 yummmmzzzz….sardines & tuna!!!
nope, those are not mine, but for the cats. The office cats are so well fed with delicious canned food and kibbles...
I wonder if the taste is same as our canned tuna?
Nope, I did not try the cat food....lolx, leave it to the cats alone.
here's my lunch....
 garlic bread!
The office admin replenished the supplies and now the whole fridge is stuffed with garlic bread. I'm so willingly to help myself with these.
 Meanwhile, the 'office phone' has arrived. Now that we are working semi-remotely, each staff is equipped with a personal mobile which comes with a data plan.
I need to 'explore' this abit before starting to use it.
While in the office today, I bumped into an outspoken stranger.
I was at the corridor when this stranger walking past towards my direction. He has a neat look with a laptop bag and can easily mistaken for a newly joined staff or some vendor or some staffs from the office next door.
I thought he might be from the office next door, then took a glanced at him and back to my phone (I was making a call).
Then suddenly stranger greeted....
Stranger: Welcome back!
Me: ~~silent~~
*huh?? was stunned and dunno how to react with an impromptu greeting...but what the heck 'welcome back'??? do I know u? Are u our staff?
then, I uttered back
And you are???
Stranger: just tht everyone is back, so yea welcome back!
Me: oohhh *nodding
*then he turned and said
Stranger: btw, I m Steve
Me: ??? *nodding
*stranger continued to walk and gone from sight
I wonder if this fella walked past and greeted anyone just like that?!? I mean, it's not our Malaysian or perhaps Asian culture to greet people on the street so cordially. Btw, he is Asian (Chinese) but he speaks very accented English...mayb he just came back from abroad.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Raya Feast @ Office

Was back to the office on Thurs, 11 June for a Raya makan-makan…
It was a team lunch 'potluck' with 14 of us
A colleague contributed brownies...so sweet of her and the brownies are sweet too!
 another guy brought cinnamon rolls
another box looks different...with lighter colour
my stomach was so full that I can't eat tis anymore....ended up I 'tapao' back some!
 kuih koci….*i did not try...not into this kuih
coz I prefer savoury food like roti jala with curry gravy
nasi impit with peanut sauce
egg sambal
 and rendang chicken!
 another colleague ordered a pack of mee goreng and nasi goreng for each of us. That means each person is entitled to have 1 pack mee goreng + 1 pack nasi goreng....so much carbs!
 luckily there are fruits to balance it out. I choose the smallest piece of watermelon coz was too stuffed after eating the above.
I contributed nata de coco mango jelly pudding which I tapao-ed back home to eat.
So there goes my 'first taste of raya' for this year!
Till then, for those who will be 'balik kampung' this weekend, wishing u a 'safe journey' and those who are not - 'Enjoy your weekend'😊
signing off from the office....

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Annoying Sis Can Cook - Part 8

We have lotsa curry leaves at home and handed over a bunch to her. She fully utilised them by cooking oat prawns (with overloaded curry leaves!)
She also fried a pot of meehoon...which I believe can last for 2 meals since it was only her and BIL eating.
 On another day, she cooked pork rib 'pai guat wong' with excessive honey that thickens into caramelised sauce....must be very flavorful! That's what the cucumbers are for (besides for garnishing)....to balance out the sweetness!
Annoying sis will be back to office soon, so her 'kitchen' will only operate once-in-a-blue-moon...

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

First Dine Out

I had my very first dine out on Monday 8 June after nearly 3 months of not eating out (my last was on 17 Mar).
It was still CMCO on 8 June, where some shops were open till 8pm only. 
I went to Uncle Chong's Kopitiam in Esplanade Bukit Jalil to try out the curry laksa. Yes, my default order for local noodles is still curry laksa!
It was only 7pm but I was the only patron in the shop. Seems like a lonely place....
Before getting in, the usual SOP requires patrons to scan the QR code and fill up the contact number & body temperature.
The table arrangement is as such....it only allows 2 person at one table.
 social distancing each table at least 1.5 metre apart.
 here goes my noodles...I prefer meehoon in curry so that it could soak up the gravy hence more flavorful...
I forgot to request them to omit the cockles....darn! long time never order food, forgot how to 'special request' already...lolx!
 tastewise, I find the curry laksa ordinary.
This meal costs: RM8.90 (noodles) + RM0.50 (plain water)
The shop also sells local delights such as chicken rice, asam laksa, some bread toast etc....
Here's the shop front, it is so secluded that many people didn't notice. Ample parking space in front too.
with the RMCO kicks in, many people have now return to work (in the office). I will be goin back to the office occasionally too, so expecting to dine out more frequent.
How about u?

Eat Outs

Just posting some recent eat-outs. 1. Veggies World Cafe Vegetarian yinyong noodle is now my regular order apart from the lui cha (thunder t...