Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chicken Chop

How much would you go to enjoy ur fav chicken chop?
I would walk for a good half-an-hour to reach this stall that sells very "cheap and nice" piece of succulent yet crispy chicken chop with golden brown fries...
 it comes with pasta (macaroni) with mixed beans...weird but perfect combination
drool...drool...jst look at those fries....and the big piece of boneless chicken...
it makes me droooooool!!!!!
alrite, high calorie and colestrol...but another 30-minute walk back to my office would burn it off!

@ the Library

silent silent plsssssss!!!
coz we r @ the Library...
with easy access of any info thru the net, lesser people r getting into the library, unless they r there for sort of meet up, well the economical way of meeting up without spending mch..
At least u dun hav to pay for drinks!
i enjoy the quiet time in a secluded corner of the library...sometimes i can doze off, not until ppl woke me up for snoring too loud!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I used to pack lunch box to office few years ago, but now not anymore as my company is subsidizing us lunch daily. Well despite that, my sis still continues to pack home-cooked lunchies to work. Here is one prepared by mum...Looks colourful and appetizing despite it is sort of...leftover dishes!
Bon Appetit!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The office buildings in Kathmandu

Kathmandu is so packed with buildings all in similar size and about 5-6 storey is jst hard to differentiate between residence building and offices or shops...but their government office are distinct to the rest. It has their own building.
However, the road leading to it could be very hidden (due to its narrow size). Sometimes you might just missed that turning corner.
 opposite our business meeting place, stood another government building. It is an old building with wooden entrance. The wooden planks and marble floor keeps the place cool on a very hot sunny day
 some notices were seen pasted on the pillar outside the building
 and inside the meeting room, it was all serious...hmnnnn...sheeesssshhhhh, some serious meeting going on...
silent silent...and concentrate plzzzzzz.....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Room @ 619, Radisson Hotel (Part 2)

Continued from previous post...
Here's a view of the room at night, spacious isn't it?
well, at least for me, coz i m staying alone...
woo-HOOO i gotta sleep at 2 beds!
 hmnn....split body?
some complimentary mineral water from the hotel, they'l get you 2 new bottles daily
 the alarm clock on the dressing table
 my comfy bed!!!
 tea set, with choice of coffee, tea or me
 the snack corner
 over at the sideway next to the door, there is this huge cupboard with umbrella, safe deposit and ironing board tucked inside
 here's the 32 inch tv with 29 channels...the only English channel are BBC, CNN and Aljazeera
inside the fridge
 plenty of can drinks and alcoholic stuffs
 and here's the washroom
 toilet bowl for you to shit on ;-P
 some shower caps, sanitary bag...shampoos, moisterizer, soaps, combs, sewing kit...etc
well, all in all, these are just some very standard stuffs u normally see in a hotel room!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Room @ 619, Radisson Hotel

At around USD136 per nite (room rate is USD110 + tax), u'l get to enjoy a nice stay @ Radisson Hotel...and their warm hospitality. I'd say their services is superb, and their staff never fail to greet you everywhere.
Excellent place, minus the frequent electricity trips.
 here's the view of the room that i is at 6th floor of total 10 floors (i guess!).
from the room window, u'l see this
 the daytime gives u a spectacular view outside and in the room itself. The cream color of the wall is so soothing, not to mention about the posters decorating every facet of the room.
 artistic yet colorful
 at night, you will see the street activities and the shops/restaurant downstair...
 here's what i see from my room: above (nighttime) and below (daytime)
 the color contour was so nice over the evening sunray that i decided to take a picture of myself too!
the room service is so efficient that they even offer evening room services on top of the usual morning room service, meaning you'l get your room cleans up twice daily if you wish to!
plus, morning papers delivers right to your doorstep every day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Breakfast @ Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu

My brief stay in Radisson Hotel doesn't hinder me from enjoyin' their good food, particulary the breakfast spread/buffet.
I normally eat heartily during the morning and skip lunch. Here's what i had during my stay...
Pork sausage, chicken sausage, scrambled egg, french toast, hams, hashbrowns, baked beans, dhal and indian pita bread. Thankfully i hav a very big appetite to gulp all these down!
 butter cake, fruit cake, choc chip in butter cake, donut...all are so yummielicious!
 some asian dishes, the fried rice, chinese style veggie dish, and salads
 see there? how greedy! too bad, i couldn't finish 'em all
 on other days, they served grilled fish fillet and fried fish cubes too...and i had pancake (plain, without the syrup)
 fruits such as watermelon is usual, but having lycees for morning is someting unusual
 and u can order omelette and/or sunny side up egg...the chef will fry one instantly.
bon appetit!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Radisson Hotel, Kathmandu

This hotel is worth every single praise...
well, not b'coz of its infrastructure, but the warm and friendly services by the staff.
They treat you like a VIP, never fails to greet you, smile and opens the door for you...
like sort of...well, royal guest?!
everywhere when i bumped into any of them, you will hear 'Namaste' (complete with hand gesture), good day ma'am, good morning...afternoon, evening...etc...
anyhow, let me show you around this place...
the below is the hotel cafeteria, it serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, buffet style
 the elevators at the lobby
 rooftop swimming pool
 rooftop alfresco cafe
 the corridor
 casino, yea, it is located at lower ground of the hotel
 the lobby
 some very nice flowers at the hotel main entrance
 and mesmerizing!
 the Nepalese jst luv flags, and they are proud of their own country flag
 outside of the hotel, there is this bakery named after the must hav been owned by them
 another hotel situated nearby, a smaller one (picture below)
 the street view just outside the premis, it has plenty of souvenir shops and a local supermart
 at the end of the road right at the junction, there is this mini shopping complex (mayb it is jst appropriate to call it shop), selling apparels, and souvenirs. It was so quiet with almost no one, except the tenants (of course!)
 lastly, back to the hotel, here's one big array of flowers decorating the i wish i could hav this at home!

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...