Friday, February 24, 2017

Indian Street Food Tour in Hyderabad, India

Kinda busy to do a proper blogpost nowadays...lemme do a quick post to virtually 'revive' my humble site here....alrite a video....not even was from some kinda food enthusiast who travelled around the world for street foods and local fares...I like curries and spicy food but i tink i wouldn't (by any chance) goin to Hyderabad what more to try on their street food. So i m good with just watching him savouring these tantalising fares....

so hungry now.....ciao & happy watching!

Pudu 五谷渔粉 @ Sri Petaling

Pudu 五谷渔粉 (Wu Gu Yu Fen) or translated as 5 grains fish noodles has an outlet in the neighborhood. I have never heard of this shop before bu...