Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Labor's Day - Eve

i just came back from Dhaka...and was feeling dead tired...
has been working round the clock on the past week for a submission, and continue working while onsite plus the travelling was indeed taxing to my health...
i seriously need some REST...
and guess what comes to my rescue?
one more day to go, but i m pretty excited now
 as if i m celebrating the eve too ;-P
well, eve or not...i m jst happy to enjoy my 'rest' day.
Stay tuned for more updates/pics from my Shanghai & Dhaka trips!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Happy Good Friday

can't imagine time passes so soon...
jst last week (yea, friday of course!) i was strolling at the Bund (Shanghai, China) and enjoying some Easter displays at some of its five star hotel...
and this week i m back on wheel in the office, working my ass off like hell
and i miss the moment in Shanghai...
but, hey
today is Good Friday...
things should turn out well on GOOD FRIDAY ;-) 
*i hope

same goes for u too!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Pretty Chinese Actress

Recently i hav been hooked on mainland Chinese series coz it casts by some very beautiful actresses...
Do i sound like a pervert ??? LOLx
scroll down and u'l find out why...

Both of them are such an eye-candy
the series has long ended, but i can't keep forgetting this elegant lady, whom later i know that she is Gan Ting Ting, a rising mainland star
well, i guess Fan BingBing will hav to move aside (at least for now)
she recently starred in another costumed series as Murong An, but unfortunately i haven't got a chance to watch it.
She look kinda gorgeous with such outfit, if i'm a guy, i would have fell in luv with her *wicked smile
 well, I guess she's the envy of every lady out there, coz of her beautiful skin complexion and, hmmm the good looks
anyway, both the actor and actress in this pic are good-looking.
OK, enuff with my crappy posts.
have a nice day ;-)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Waku Waku @ Mid Valley again...

It was a Friday, not even the weekend, but this place is so jam-packed with patrons. This would be my second time dining at Waku Waku. Ambience-wise, it still looks the same from my last visit. Food is considerably okay with reasonable price.
So, i guess mostly people prefers Waku Waku for affordable Japanese food.
being alone, i was directed to a 2-seater corner table, hence i got the best view of the overall dining area.
 the service is unfortunately took like 20 minutes or more for the main course to be served upon ordering...
i have more than enuff time to arrange my table like such and play with the utensils ;-)
 finally, my rice arrived, served with a bowl of hot piping miso soup!
worth the wait...
heart big bowl to the max!
alrite, not jst the bowl, the rice itself with the teriyaki chicken is a great combination,
well, seems like I'm ordering the same thing as my previous visit!
but this time it was served with some pickled Japanese cucumber
 and chawanmushi (steamed egg)
 i hope to order more from the menu but budget constraint and my stomach couldn't fit in anymore...
perhaps next time...

Full Throttle Girl (Zenkai Girl)

This is one of a few Japanese drama series that i watched sometime back. 
Genre: Romance, comedy and with happy ending.
Both the main actor & actress are great in depicting/portraying their roles. My fav is still Yui Aragaki for her role as the ambitious lawyer, Wakaba. Well, she's sort of a person trying to be perfect, something i see myself in her.
 and of course, she's cold and ego, but fought hard to overcome her poverty and also justice, tat's why she chooses law as career...
 nonetheless, despite working in an upscale law firm, she is living in a deprived condition at a small flat.
well, what can u expect from a fresh grad? she saved hard to pay her first rent and to buy nice clothes to invest in her "appearances". Trying to look as professional and classy in front of others but when she's at home, she wouldn't care mch of what she wear...
her one and only pyjamas which she wears at home has even been 'sacrificed' to make ribbons for the lil' Hinata's costume!
here's how her flat looks like, full of books, cluttered, and not much space to walk around!
but somehow i feel it "homely"!
it feels good to be surrounded by books, at least they are stacked up neatly
11 episodes finished in no time...a short series, I wish it to be longer though...

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mexican Coffee bun & Nasi Lemak bungkus

The picture here might not do its justice, but i can assure u that the food taste superbly good...and one of its kind...
here's one of my weekend brunch. 
Nasi lemak bungkus!
well, a good nasi lemak lies in the rice, the sambal (chili paste), as well as the freshly cut ingredients such as the succulent cucumber, crispy peanuts and anchovies and the freshly boiled egg.
 what more could have made my day?
I passed by the neighbourhood local store, known as The Store supermarket and they were having a RM1 offer on mexican coffee bun!
 it paired well with my tea
 see the layer of butter sandwiched in between? the baked coffee layer crust on top is so heavenly!!!
bon appetit!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Best Friend wedding @ Imperial Garden Restaurant, PJ

Imperial Garden restaurant, a subsidiary of Tai Thong would have done a good job in refurbishing the interior of their PJ outlet...coz once u stepped in, u will be transported into the 60's era.
I've seen some nice pictures of their banquet hall through reviews in numerous blog. And never would i thought tht my best friend host her wedding there.
 however, the place would be too packed if u r hosting a large reception, as in her case, she has relatives and friends from "all-over-the-world"...not to mention the Toastmaster members which occupying a few tables already!
the interior, especially the wall and the ceiling lighting are based on Oriental design, food is great,
overall ambience is awesome, except for some technical glitch in the audio system.
Anyway, congrats to Alexandra, my co-writer of The Weird Twins blog.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Sakae Sushi Bento Set again...

This isn't my first time of having Sakae Sushi bento set, but my first time of patroning the IOI mall Puchong outlet. Usually I went to the Curve or Sunway Pyramid for Sakae Sushi, but this time is exceptional.
The place looks quite new, so i tot this outlet might have jst opened, like for 2-3 years back...
 the place is brightly lit, unlike some very traditional Japanese restaurant which are dark and dim
 it has iPad on every table for customer to place their orders
 here's my bento set lunch. Not much of choices, my usual tempura bento set is no longer in the menu. Ended up i ordered salmon and chicken teriyaki.
 which comes with "chawanmushi" (steamed egg)
 and miso soup
 food were so-so, couldn't expect much since they specializes in sushi rather than bento!
pricewise, consider OK for a decent set meal as such...
Bon Appetit

Pudu 五谷渔粉 @ Sri Petaling

Pudu äº”谷渔粉 (Wu Gu Yu Fen) or translated as 5 grains fish noodles has an outlet in the neighborhood. I have never heard of this shop before bu...