Friday, February 27, 2015

Genting First World Hotel - Super Deluxe Room

Staying at a bigger room in Genting is a first time for me coz usually i'm either on Standard or Deluxe, but never with Super Deluxe. The amenities are similar to a standard hotel room in a 3 or 4 stars hotel. It is much spacious than the usual First World room with two large beds (i guess it is a queen size!). Definitely more spacious to move around and good for family-stay especially those with kids, so they can run around have ample space for pillow fight to play.
even the wall art is nicer with colored tones!
here's the bathroom cum toilet
it has a bathtub for you to float ur rubber duckie....
the room entrance with side-cupboard (common design in hotel rooms)
sofas, nothing fancy but basic enuff
and a slightly larger mirror compared to the normal standard room
the room view is not bad at all, at least i gotta see the main iconic building from the window!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Grand Slam Lunch @ Office Cafeteria

On certain days, the office cafeteria serves mixed grilled, which consists of grilled chicken, lamb, beef, squid, fish...etc etc...Yours truly am not a fan of such grilled stuff, hence instead of having mix grilled, i have mix of everything BUT without the grilled stuffs...There it goes, still high calories, my customized mixed-of-everyting lunch!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

CNY @ Office

Not gonna blog much about the CNY decorations at the malls these days. In fact i've only been to a few neighbourhood malls and have no plan to visit the bigger malls due to the shopping crowds lately. 
Anyway, back in the office, CNY atmosphere is in the air with some colleagues putting up their own decorative, especially at the department entrance...Their creativeness should not go to waste, hence i m here to 'showcase' you some of their efforts.
different doors to different departments, each decorated by different group of people...both are very 'ang'!
even the door handle is not spared from having a red ribbon...
whereas, in my department, we have our 'lou sang' & get-together luncheon.
Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year
May you be filled with abundance health, wealth & happiness!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday Entertainment - Yesteryears

It was in the recent concert that i realized that this singer has got lotsa famous masterpiece...
here's one of the known ones...
i remembered listening to this song when i was in my early was quite a "hit" back then in the local chinese radio but i pay no attention to it coz it was jst another love is either a 'heartbreak song' or a 'wooing girls-kinda-song'...which both doesn't seem to bother me coz i fancy those fast-track with hippie dance move songs, such as the one below...
afterall, tht's the kinda song that u expect a high-energized-teenager can click with!
Anyhow, talking about this Crazy video, little did i know that a huge...i mean...very VERY HUGE effort behind the scene being poured in making the video a success, well, at least at international level...
The 'Crazy' music video was top chart back then for weeks (or isit months??) The amount of effort in auditioning the best dancers, perfecting the dance moves, choreography and the final touch up of the video is...superbly C.R.a.Z.Y! Managing and tasking every single person with their role requires a great management skills, what more to fit in Britney's busy schedule with all other's technical person, dancers, etc etc...Every second counts,  hence proper scheduling & discipline really plays a big contribution in making this video out on time! 
Now it seems like i'm diverting from the topic and seeing things from the project management point of view...Yeah, this is someting tht i would like to see in a teamwork, undivine amount of attention, dedication, commitment, discipline and professionalism in the job!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

CNY Decorations - Genting First World Plaza

You know CNY is near when red lanterns and spring flowers 'blossomed' at malls and at various public places.  Red lanterns flooding over the shopping malls, hotels, restaurants creates a festivity ambience...
  this 'Chinese arch' reminds me of some temples in China...haha!
the blinking fake neon flowers!
i used to dislike it coz the color is too glaring for my eyes, but now i started to see its 'beauty'
 well, the most creative decorations among all would be this colorful lanterns at the hotel lobby entrance. 
It looks like some floating hot air balloon!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekend Outing

The long weekend of KL-day & Thaipusam was well spent at a cooling place...
The weather is super crazy hot these days and going up the hill would be great! My usual short getaway would be somewhere nearby as long as it serves the better quality food....and some sight-seeing!
Well, the food quality might be subjective, but i find that the food up there is much better than those served in crappy eateries at malls here.
Here's one ginger chicken rice served in a big bowl. So much greens that i felt like eating grass! But the dish is so homely...
the restaurant is bright & spacious & i can eat in peace!
As for my dinner, i had roasted pork noodles...
the noodles were springy, the pork was tender with crispy skin. Roasted to perfection!
for those who has yet to figure out where i went, here is it!
Such an iconic building rite?
on another side of the resort, a mega construction is goin-on and expecting to be up by year 2016!
The old Genting theme park has been demolished to give way for a new "20th Century Fox World theme park"
Am excited to see the new theme park soon!
Well, i got so mch $$$ to spend for gambling sight-seeing over here....
yea, i wish to!!!
anyway, I was there for a concert and no...not Yours Truly performing here....haha!
It was superb although i'm not a fan of Wakin Chau (aka Emil Chau). But is the overall experience that counts...
The stage settings, live band, slides, audios, lightings, and the crowds creates a 'lively' mood to celebrate. 
It was indeed a great performance!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Last Christmas & the Coming CNY Decorations @ Office

I still missed December despite entering new year 2015 for a month plus now!
Coz that was the time where things got slowed down and wee bit laid back in the office!
yea, probably bcoz everyone was clearing leaves and no one seems to care about working nor meeting deadlines...LOL!
The atmosphere is like partying and merry mood...i even have the mood to munch on my fav kiddie snacks such as Nini sticks!
So stress-free hor?!
Just like how u get to see from the office dept entrance...
 full of Christmassy mood & the office is so homely with those teddies around!
blinking lights from the Xmas tree, and small gift boxes underneath the tree...i like it!
fast forward 1.5 months later....
the same entrance door but different 'feel'
 this time the reddish decor..
In case if u r wondering who did all these...well, that's definitely NOT me, of course...
That door doesn't even lead to my department...Mine is situated next door!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Papparich Chicken Rice

 I frequented Papparich alot these days, not bcoz i m rich (nor my papa is) but of the ambience and better quality food. Browsing the menu, i was spoilt for choices, but something struck me to order the unpopular items....
 such as chicken rice...
 usually people will go for their curry noodles, fried kuey teow, or their famous roti bakar...but what heck did i ordered chicken rice?!!??
It turns out to be not bad....
coz the tauge (beansprout) are big-fat-juicy kinda tauge similar to those served in Ipoh...
 and the chicken is tender, succulent, and much better than other  Chicken rice franchise like Nam Heong or Chicken Rice Shop...
 for a restaurant where chicken rice is not its main item, this plate of chicken rice is considered good with such quality. The price? slightly lower or equivalent to a plate of Hainanese Chicken Rice in SG, hahaha!
i got big appetite these days, so i ordered a roti canai too! Yummzzzz!
Double food, double brain power
double the calories.
Heck cares!

Shoe Hunting

This was a few months back, was browsing around the shops particularly Sketchers brand coz i prefer their lightweight walking shoes. Nope, i...