Friday, January 30, 2015

Charming Factor

Well, what u'l see in this video is a very ol' skool kinda MTV which was quite popular in the Cantopop scene back in the 90's, yea that was some 20 years ago!!!
But i found this very very....
good to watch, coz it is!
Yea, the charming factor probably is bcoz of the helicopter, the very stylo superbike & a handsome riding on it!
I dun understand much of the song back then (year 1992) and i still dun understand much of it now even with some rough google translation over the lyrics....heck cares, this MTV still gets me laugh coz of its attempt in making the singer become so stylo, haha!...alrite he is an older man now...
There goes my expression...
i need a fan a powerful aircond to cool me down....

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Here's one "Vadai" that i had for dinner. It's a savoury fritter-type snack originated from South India but available anywhere here even at mamak stalls. First tried vadai when i was around 10 years old from some pasar malam in Sungai Besi old town...that was long...long...time ago. Another type of Vadai sold here have a hole in the middle, similar to donut but with a slightly smaller size.
Very rich in spices, some even have cili padi (bird's eye chili) for extra kick in the flavor & spicyness. One of my fav snack thus far.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Hoji & Matcha Cafe

This new outlet situated opposite Public Bank in Sri Petaling has caught my attention...
 coz it is an affordable Japanese cafe that serves various green tea desserts, set meals and light snacks...
this cafe is one of the first few shops along the new shoplot that launched its business a few months ago (slightly 2 or 3 months back)
 the front store sells Japanese product such as green tea kit kat, shoyu, pocky stuffs and various snacks...
 they have lunch set and tea time promotion which is a great deal!
 but instead of going for their set meal i ordered ala-carte curry chicken katsu rice which comes with Miso soup and complimentary plain water.
 On another occasion, i tried the Okonomiyaki which turns out to be very filling...
 i like it with generous portion of squid and bonito flakes...
i gonna back to try out more in the menu...
they have set rice with various japanese-cooking-style fish/squid/ burger/chicken/beef...
not to forget their green tea desserts too!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quick dinner @ Gastronomy before I got gastric

Stomach growling and was near starving the other day when staying late @ office to complete my task. Instead of getting a sandwich or burger, i decided to have rice coz it replenish my brain power gives me more energy to focus...
 nope, i dun eat at Secret Recipe, but this eatery place is situated just right opposite it at Wisma Scope International.
without looking further on the menu, i quickly placed my order for a plate of sweet & sour fish rice set before my hunger turns gastric. 
It sure looks good for a hungry person...I walloped everyting on the plate, plus the complimentary chrysanthemum drink, all within 15 minutes after served!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Left-over Party Foods

I m good in clearing left-over foods...yea, am dubbed as the "in-house DBKL" for sweeping clean the fridge from any leftovers.
Why not?
coz the food is so irresistible like the below bento set...
ok, the taste might run off abit coz the fritters has became soggy and the yakitori stick is not as fresh anymore....
Meanwhile the below is a post Christmas-day lunchie, with leftover from the previous day. I blanched some green veggies and cut some onions to go with the leftover satay, nasi impit and roasted chicken...
Voila! there goes the lunch for two!
BoN ApPeTit!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Simple Weekend Lunch

Aiming for a "5 A day Fruit & Veg" meal
I usually eat left-over dish on weekend (to clear up the fridge).
The noon weather is either too sunny, or rainy, which discourages me from leaving the home sweet home...
OK, i admit i'm jst plain lazy la...

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday Entertainment - Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou) by Kyu Sakamoto

Have you ever heard of this song? 
Sometimes it is still played over the radio...Well, i m not sure if u guys to listen to oldies, but i found them classic and nice to listen ;-)
I was wondering what does this song means, especially when the title is a food name...I went to 'Google' it and found out the truth...
Maybe next time we should name a famous Malaysian song as 'Nasi Lemak' or 'Roti Canai'!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Who is in charge?

All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was in charge.

"I should be in charge," said the brain, "because I run all the body's systems, so without me nothing would happen."

"I should be in charge," said the blood, "because I circulate oxygen all over, so without me you'd all waste away."

"I should be in charge," said the stomach, "because I process food and give all of you energy."

"I should be in charge," said the rectum, "because I'm responsible for waste removal."

All the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him, so in a huff, he shut down tight. Within a few days, the brain had a terrible headache, the stomach was bloated, and the blood was toxic.

Eventually the other organs gave in. They all agreed that the rectum should be the boss.

The moral of the story? The asshole is always in charge.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bon-Ga Korean Restaurant

Hav always wanted to try out this place, but since my parent dun take heaty barbequed food, i have to just forget about it...
But on one nite, both my parents were out, and leaving only me and sis at home with no food...
Hence i 'invite' her to Korean Bon-Ga restaurant. It was a rainy day, having bbq meat is a perfect food to warm ourselves...
the place looks kinda empty...but as we dined, more people coming in, mostly families with young kids....
this place is different from any Korean bbq restaurant coz the food is being barbequed in their kitchen, hence you wouldn't smell like a roasted meat after dining there get the odor.
Here's the nice flowerish menu.
while sis were busy browsing and ordering, i enjoy the street view from the window...yea, it was still raining then.
the cutleries
start-off the meal with a warm tea
and patiently waited for our banchan...
service was quick and efficient...we dun wait long for the banchan to arrive...
the kimchi soup....tasted OK, nothing much to shout about
here's the bbq-ed is so flavorful due to the marinated sauce tht they used.
The banchan and bbq pork were delicious, and personally i feel that it is much better than Daorae or Seoul Garden (not referring to the buffet one)....
Ambience is excellent, perfect for families...No wonder most diners here are families with kids...
On another kinda fascinated with this UFO-like water tap...looks cool!
and this egg shape-like fountain in the middle of the restaurant
this place is so kids-friendly coz it has a playroom filled with balloons...and a glass wall so parents can easily monitor their kids playing from the outside.
So, we were done with eating and next is time for digestion...a brief walk around the area.
Noticed this new cafe jst a few doors away...a Japanese-concept cafe...
went in to browse on the cakes, pastries and beverages...not bad...i tink i gonna target this place soon!
Bon Appetit!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Texas Chicken @ Sunway Pyramid

After the Popeye Louisiana fried chicken, now comes the Texas chicken....
Well, actually Texas chicken has been around for quite some time now, but i never bother to try it until recently.
The Japanese have KFC for Christmas, so why not i have my fried chicken meal too?
so, without hesitating i ordered a set meal (including refillable drinks).
The set comprises of 2 pcs fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potato and biscuit. As for the drink, i choose ice lemon tea, though u can opt for the usual soft drinks. It is an open counter where patrons fill their own cup.
The biscuit is superb! crispy on the outer layer and fluffy like eating a combination of "softbun and muffin"
i dun mind coming here again for the biscuit...
Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hokkaido Ichiba @ The Gardens

This is sort of a self-treat meal...I 'treat' myself for a "hard-day's work" and accomplishment throughout the year 2014.
no reservation made, i jst walked-in and was assigned a counter seat...
i got to enjoy the view of the chef preparing sushi...
A few loner solo diners were seated next to me too...busy with their phones...
and i was busy with mine too....but snapping pics of unnecessary stuffs like the soy sauce bottle, the toothpicks etc
i ordered a plate of prawn tempuras as fav!
crispy and crunchy on the outer layer, and i can taste the freshness of prawns...superb!
Here comes the main meal...chicken teriyaki set...
it consists of succulent and tender chicken pieces, miso soup, chawanmushi, a veggie stew and fruits
it was year-end, so let loose 
Eat, drink and be merry!
Bon Appetit!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Holidaying @ Genting on Christmas Day

December passed so soon that i somehow wish it to be longer....
Well, partly b'coz it is the season of giving and receiving....ermmmm...i mean gifts....haha! 
Yea, i received this free room "gift" from Genting...
nothing much to expect coz it is free...and it is for 2 nights!
i only stay for one nite....
2 nights will bore me to death!
it has a separate shower and toilet room, which is good coz i dun like to get into a wet toilet due to the splashed water from the shower area
As for the foodie, i hav an enjoyable char siu (bbq pork) rice at some food court
and the next day, a big bowl of prawn noodles @ Hou Mei restaurant...
sinfully delicious!
The place was crowded during the noon....and kinda noisy coz it was so overwhelmed with holiday crowds and the loudspeaker blasting Christmas some live performance around...the entire atmosphere was just so LIVELY!
i spent some time browsing thru the shops
coz there was sale going on!
ok, now is already Jan...time to get back to work!

Eat Outs

Just posting some recent eat-outs. 1. Veggies World Cafe Vegetarian yinyong noodle is now my regular order apart from the lui cha (thunder t...