Thursday, January 26, 2017

Happy Chinese New Year 2017

Wishing everyone an abundance of health, wealth and happiness!


Twilight Man said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you and family. Hope you will crow happily in 2017.

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family...

CL (RealGunners) said...

Gong Xi Huat Chai to you and your family too! Wish you huat like Jibby! :D

Nux V said...

Twilight Man: thanks...same goes to u too ;-)

Somewhere in Singapore: thanks, happy lunar new year to u ;-)

RealGunners: yea, huat ah!

mun said...

Thank you! Wishing you lots of health, wealth and happiness! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Small Kucing said...

Thanks for the wishes. Sorry i have not been blogging much lately. Wishing you and your family happiness this year

Rockley Beach & Misc

Can't get enuff of vitamin-sea, so I keep on posting pictures of the Caribbean Sea😂 alrite alrite...i know you have enuff of looking at...