Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Cheras Flat Fish Noodles @ Pinnacle Sri Petaling

Went to this restaurant twice. When it was firstly opened, this place was so crowded so i decided to go there on a weekday non-peak hour. Such a contrast with only 2 tables occupied.
Got myself a window seat, so that i could enjoy the 'roadside' view while slurping my noodles😂
Each table has sauces (chili sauce, soy sauce), Chinese wine in the jar and toothpicks, apart from the chopsticks.
My order: Premium grouper with thick vermicelli. I added some wine into the noodle for more kicks....
Sourish soup with 5 pieces of grouper fish. Quite nice.
There's alot of soup in this bowl of noodle. I did not finish the soup.
On my second visit, I had fish paste in milky soup.
There is also 5 pieces of fish paste.
Tastewise ok-la, i prefer grouper fish more😋


  1. Ya, I also would prefer grouper fish fillet more. Next you can go try the popular hai Kah Lang for their tomato soup grouper fillet if you like tomato soup.

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