Friday, May 20, 2022

Family Mart - Vanilla with Sakura Sofuto

New ice cream on the menu!
well, not quite....
vanilla ice cream is too common, but somehow Family Mart made it creative by offering a free topping - Sakura Blossom Topping!
I was so eager to try out this so-called Sakura Blossom thingy....turns out it is just some crunchy but tasteless pink coloured bits
and this ice cream costs RM3.90
Would you try? 


  1. Wanted to try but after reading your review now, won't try because you say no taste for the pink bits.

  2. I have seen a few Family Marts around here but I have not step into one yet.

  3. So pretty pink topping on the vanilla ice cream. Wish we have family mart in Kuching.

  4. Oh I missed this one. The vanilla I tried had oreo bits on top.
