Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Colourful Plants to Feast the Eyes

We have an all-year-round plants in the garden to feast our eyes...
The veggie plants did not make it into our garden due to the infertile soil but these colourful plants pulak survived.
Hence they deserved a recognition in the Hall of Fame...
*drum rolls
Ta Da!
I dunno most of the species name...
 except for bougainvillea (as seen in the background of the below picture).
Others to me are just colored leafy plants
 Closer snapshot
We have a few of the 'jinns tongue' (Sansevieria) which cleanses the air.
 Meanwhile on my annoyin' sis dining table.....
She ran out of idea on what to cook on a weekend hence did a steamboat (so she and BIL can do their own cooking)!


  1. Very colourful plants to feast the eyes, thank you! Wah, your sister is so so enjoying her life! Very good! Live to the max!

  2. The top pink one is Periwinkle, which reminds me of my kindergarten when I was small!

  3. Mun: Live to the max, YOLO!

    PH: ah, thanks for the name.

  4. Yes, periwinkle in the 1st pic. Coleus in the 2nd & 3rd pic. Wah, your sis took the trouble to prepare steamboat, so nice.

    1. Thx for the plant's name. The steamboat meal is just for 2 person...not mch trouble.

  5. Very lovely flowers and plants.
