Thursday, April 23, 2020

One tomyum meehoon...please!

The other day i sibuk-sibuk 'annoyed' my annoying sis by asking on what she cooked for dinner...
It has been a few days since i last received her foodie pics
So the next day she sent me this:
A plate of tomyum fried meehoon (rice vermicelli).
Done with garnishing like those served in restaurant!
Thumbs up for decoration effort.
Tastewise: unable to give score, though the meehoon looks abit dry 😆
wuahahah....i m so mean!


  1. Your sis can cook well. The fried meehoon looked good and tasty. Meehoon is not easy to cook, like you said, either turned out dry or lumpy. Hmm. I rarely cook meehoon at home myself. Haha.

  2. you are only mean if you ask your sister to read your posts about her. since she doesn't know that you wrote about her, the you are not mean at all.

  3. her tomyum meehoon looks good. If not spicy then I can eat.

  4. Wow! You got bionic eyes to scan the meehoon to certify it's dry! You made me stare at it too.

    Did your Annoying Sis get annoyed by you??

  5. Rose world: yea, not easy to cook meehoon, need to control heat and water.

    Mun: oooo...u can't eat spicy...

    Twilight Man: no need bionic eyes, nowadays can zoom into the picture one mah...The noodles just doesn't look moist.

  6. But that looks so good! I wouldn't mind having a plate of that!
