Monday, September 19, 2016

Shook! @ Starhill Gallery

I was eating 'luxuriously' throughout the training with 3 meals per day. The training was interesting and I dun feel bored nor sleepy even after a heavy meal.
yes, that was a heavy lunch...consists of starter, main course and desserts!
Our lunch was not the usual hotel buffet (thank God, otherwise I will stuffed myself silly)....
but still it was a hearty one in a restaurant located at the lower ground of Starhill....yes, that dim place! (if u ever been there...u'l know what I mean...)
their signature flower, I think that is to mark the table 'reserved' for training participants.
Starter was some italian bread with olive oil dip. No picture coz it was just bread!
I ordered a guava juice from a few choices given.
and I had this fusion Japanese teishoku consists of main course - beef teriyaki with rice, miso soup, some pickles & chawanmushi. The plate of beef teriyaki is huge!
Dessert was dorayaki...I only took a bite as I was too full after having rice...Ok, am done with's one 'bonus' picture of the restaurant...


  1. Good food! So syiok can go training and eat tasty food foc.

  2. I love to be pampered at hotels with good food, service and luxurious ambiance!

  3. Wow!! Indeed very heavy food! But once a while it's ok la!!

  4. RealGunners: ok...that's it.

    Mun: yea, shiok once in awhile.

    Twilight Man: me too ;-)

    Hayley: heavy meals, and i skipped dinner during the few days.
