Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A-Levels Questions

Let's see how much you can score (without referencing somewhere!)
Answers to be out in my next post!
Have fun ;-)


  1. 1. F S S. Days of the week

    2. add one stroke to make the + 4 at the 5 + 5 = 545 then 545 + 5 = 550

    3. write "anything" there... =p

    4. Just draw a rectangle with 3 lines. |-----------|
    | ||| |

    there a rectangle with 3 lines.


    So, do I pass? hohohoho

  2. cometh: hey, why ur answers seem to be photocopied?

  3. Hye Nux V, nice website do you have.
    i cannot answer the question. not A level student :P

  4. Where got photocopied?

    I type all of that... wor

    But with little help from Uncle Google..

